is compliant with The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679.


Categories of Personal Data

 Purposes for collection and use

Information you provide to us in the course of using or processing online services:

Identification and contact information such as:

  • your name and surname
  • title
  • day and month of birth
  • location
  • User id (email address)
  • password
  • postal address
  • email address
  • telephone numbers, or
  • other contact details information you may provide to us
  • To register to our Website and manage your online account profile
  • To subscribe to our newsletter service
  • To send a request to/contact our Client Services
  • To confirm your identity as a registered member
  • To inform you about other services and products that may be available through us, our affiliated companies, and our marketing partners
  • To provide and deliver products and services requested
  • To send you information related to products and services, including catalogs, invoices, technical notices, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages
  • To communicate with you about new contests, promotions and rewards, upcoming events, and other news
  • To respond to all your requests, to manage your relationship with the “Maria Mercado”; and
  • To manage and administer our community features and member programs and services.

Purchase and order information:

  • contact information
  • billing address
  • shipping address
  • purchase details (products, color, size, quantity, price),
  • methods of payment
  • any communications we have received about your order or purchase

  • To place your online orders
  • To perform all management activities connected with your order, including administrative management of the contract, delivery of goods, payment processing, management of any claims and litigation, and fraud prevention, and to validate, confirm, verify, deliver, install, and track your order, including to arrange for shipping, handle returns and refunds, maintain a record of the purchases you make;
  • To service products you purchased from us
  • To provide you offers that may be of interest to you

Payment information:

  • name
  • card issuer and card type
  • credit or debit card number, expiration date, CVV code
  • billing address

  • To check that the right person is using the right card or account
  • To meet the requirements of the card brands or account issuers
  • To make sure we are paid for what you buy

Information you provide about a third party: 

  • name, surname
  • address and contact details of recipient for delivery goods or services (such as sending a gift or virtual gift card), if different from yours


  • To deliver to or communicate with the person at the address which you have requested.

Preference information:

  • your account settings including preferred store
  • your wishlist
  • contact channel and types of services/offers that interest you

  • To personalize your experience and to enhance the services we offer you

Other voluntary information:

  • Any voluntary information you may provide us within the course of your interactions with us (such as by sending an e-mail through our Website and/or to the addresses indicated in our Website or by calling our Client Service or by responding to surveys or competitions)

  • To handle your requests, and to contact you when necessary or requested, including to respond to your comments and questions and provide customer service; and
  • To know you better, make our communications with you more personal, learn and improve from your survey feedback, organize events, and/or pick competition winners.
  • Please note that we may record calls to our Client Service for quality assurance and internal training purposes
Information we may collect automatically from you and/or your device:

Device information: 

  • IP address, internet provider, operating system and browser used, domain names of the computers you use to visit our Website,  type of device, such as laptop or smart phone, log files, URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical status code of the server reply (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters concerning the user’s operating system and computer environment, and/or device cookie settings and other device details, such as MAC address, and geolocation, if you permit it to obtain your precise geolocation
  • To obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of our Website and to guarantee its correct operation, to make sure our Website works properly with your device and make sure you can see and use our intended website on the device you are using, and for analytical and demographic purposes and to provide offers that may be of interest to you.
  • We also will use this information to protect the security or integrity of the Website and our business, such as by protecting against and preventing fraud, unauthorized transactions, and managing risk exposure, including by identifying potential hackers and other unauthorized users.

Information automatically collected from your browser: 

when you use the Website, some data is automatically transferred from your browser to our server, including your browser type, operating system type or mobile device model, viewed webpages, links that are clicked, IP address, mobile device identifier or other unique identifier, sites or apps visited before coming to our Website, the amount of time you spend viewing or using the Website, the number of times you return, or other click-stream or site usage data, and emails we send that you open, forward, or click through to our Website


  • We will use this information in an aggregated non-specific format for analytical and demographic purposes.
  • To protect the security or integrity of the Website and our business, such as by protecting against and preventing fraud, unauthorized transactions, and managing risk exposure, including by identifying potential hackers and other unauthorized users
Information we may collect from third parties

Legal information:

  • fraud checks or flags raised about your transactions
  • payment card refusals
  • suspected crimes, complaints and/or claims
  • To protect you, other customers and our business against criminal activities and risks, and to make sure we understand and can meet our legal obligations to you and others and can defend ourselves

Social Media Information: 

If you interact with us through social media service or login using social media credentials, depending on your social media settings, we may have access to your information from that social network such as:

  • your name
  • email address
  • age
  • gender
  • location

  • To allow you to register to our Website through social login
  • To personalize your experience and to enhance the services we offer you