The Power of White Shirt

The White Shirt has been, according to many style manuals, a basis of a wardrobe, and as such is invariably presented as a garment that serves as the white canvas against which the wearer’s individuality will emerge. According to this line of thought, the white shirt focuses on and frames the body, without dominance. The White Shirt has throughout history often been a mark of power, luxury, and wealth. The condition for the pristine quality of the White Shirt is that the environment is kept at bay. This is in opposition to the blue-collar work shirt which relies on the possibility of it being dirtied. From the purely artistic point of view, the blank surface of the White Shirt gives possibility to the beholder to fill it with meanings and projections.

The Power of White Shirt

The White Shirt has been, according to many style manuals, a basis of a wardrobe, [...]

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