Welcome to MARIA MERCADO. Welcome to Soulmaking.

Welcome to our Stories. Let us tell you a couple of words about Soulmaking.

You can embrace this place as an alternative venue for knowing yourself and looking into the depths and real meaning of what you are doing in your everyday life.

These Stories are simply transforming brief moments into images and symbols.

We are dedicated to connecting with people, understanding different cultures, and embodying tolerance and peace.

Our goal is that by embracing our artistic approach, you develop and awake an artist in you.

So, what is the Soulmaking:

  • An exploration of imagination in an active way
  • It does not require a professional artist or artisan to be involved
  • It has no time reference, it occurs anytime
  • It occurs where there is engagement among the person, time, and space

Soulmaking plays a major role in art creation. It is a form of crafting stories, transforming brief moments into images, symbols that connect with people, understanding culture, and embodying tolerance, peace, and imagination.

Soulmaking is more than the religious perspective. Soul refers to a person’s individuality that resonates with his or her behavior. Since art is a human expression that is highly valued and symbolic, a person typically uses different art forms to fulfill the need to communicate and express him or herself. The human desire to actualize his or her very being is strongly assisted by the Soulmaking.

“Soulmaking is an alternate place to know oneself and to look at the depths and meaning of what we do in our daily lives.”
Dr. Norman Narciso

Soulmaking is a step towards a deeper comprehension of how the world is perceived and how his or her own personality is seen.

Art gives a person a sense of purpose for what he or she is doing. As any artwork is an expression of one’s perceptions, feelings, emotions, and realities, the key to personal cultural growth is the process of creating such expression. Soulmaking utilizes every human experience to build the influence that can make the artist himself and others improve.

Life includes a lot of adventure, understanding the challenges that come with each adventure, and understanding how each person has a unique way of perceiving things as life happens to them. Soulmaking is a method that can be gone through by anyone. As all are creative in their own right, it is not limited to the “obviously artistic”. It’s just a matter of losing yourself in the art of viewing the world from a different perspective and detaching yourself from yourself.

We wish that these stores help you embrace your own soul-making that will bond into every aspect of your life making it a truly amazing journey.



Maria Mercado

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